I got up to a beautiful sunny morning, made coffee, switched on the smartphone and posted my first insta coffee picture while the espresso was bubbling in the pot.
Checking my timeline I noticed the many peace symbols showing the Eiffel tower which made me smile because we all love Paris and is there a better place to express it than on insta? The hastag #prayforparis started showing up and emoticons of crying people and all black pictures. Which made me look a little closer and the first thoughts of: „oh no…?“ came creeping.
You know what is really dreadful? I was afraid some terrorists might have actually attacked the Eiffel tower and it had gone! When I heard the real news I was so relieved. You know this is awful…. The thoughts and feelings that run through your mind….last night I had been watching the soccer match France against Germany and lamenting about the lame game.
My heart goes out to all those people and their families. Attacking everyday targets and normal people is guerilla warfare like Israel has been dealing with for all its existence. I fear these terrorists are trying to bring that to France. So for it is worth I am sending all my love and thoughts to my french colleagues and friends. But I am an atheist so I do not pray. Forgive me but I have no more words because of all that sadness right now. That is why I would like to let the caricaturist of Charlie Hebdo Joanns Far do the talking ( see below): Celebrate France for what it is: strong, fearless, couragous, loved all over the world for its love of live and savoir faire! Thank you for all you have been giving to the world. It is time now to return those gifts with solidarity and love. And like Martin Luther King once said: You cannot fight darkness with darkness, only with light. And hate only with love.“ So sending you all my love. Do you have any french colleagues or friends? When did you hear about it?
Heute morgen bin ich aufgewacht und die Sonne schien, also postete ich munter einen fröhlichen Kaffeepost. In unser aller Alltag sind die grausamen und unmenschlichen Terroranschläge von Fanatikern gekracht. Daher musste ich einfach mein Entsetzen, meine Traurigkeit anfangen zu verarbeiten. Und anstatt zu beten, orinetiere ich mich lieber an dem Instagrampost des Charlie Hebdo Karikaturisten….das Leben zu feiern….wann habt ihr davon erfahren? Gestern schon? Oder auch erst heute morgen? Habt ihr französische Freunde, Kollegen?
credits: joannsfar; instagram |